Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Gen. Ed. Review

At this point, I have fulfilled almost all of the General Education requirements for my degree. I honestly enjoyed all of my gen. ed. classes. One of my favorites was freshman Government. I got to take that class with President Boren, and that was such an awesome opportunity. His lectures were super interesting, and I always looked forward to going to that class. I felt really lucky getting to learn about government from him. He's so cool!

(David Boren)

I took Indian Epics online because I still needed to take an upper division Non-western Civ. class. I stumbled upon it when I was looking for classes under that category on Ozone, and I thought it would be convenient to take an online class, so I enrolled. That was such a great decision! This class was an awesome experience. I think it was my very favorite gen. ed. class. I got to learn a lot about Indian culture that I didn't know. It was also really good for my development as a writer. I hadn't done much creative writing before, so it was something I was really hesitant about at the start of the semester. Now, though, it's something I enjoy very much. The readings were fun and interesting, and the assignments were helpful but not too demanding. I never felt stressed out about this class, which has been rare for me in college. I can't think of anything I didn't like about it. It's not a very hard class, but I definitely got a lot out of it. A lot of people talk about easy gen. eds. you don't have to spend a lot of time on, but this was a class that I enjoyed putting time into. I have been telling all of my friends to take it.

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