Thursday, January 15, 2015

Indian Epics Overview

I'm really excited to study Indian Epics this semester because it is so different from other courses in my major (Computer Engineering), and because it's a topic I really don't know much about. I do recall reading some Indian stories in high school when we studied Hinduism as part of a religion unit in English class. But that is the extent of it.

Looking through the overview material provided, the story behind the Ramayana story seemed familiar, and I think I read a version of it in high school. Particularly, I remembered the character Ganesha, so below I have re-posted a photo of a Ganesha carving from the Indian Epics Resources site:

(Ganesha carving)

As far as epics go, I remember reading from a number of Western epics in my senior year English class in high school, including selections from Beowulf, The Iliad, and The Odyssey. I really enjoyed them, and I'd like to read them in their entirety someday. Now I really look forward to reading epics from another part of the world.

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